Now I have decided to produce a secretive/hardly legible book about conspiracy secrets I next need to decide on the actual content, design and production of the book.
I have decided producing my own content would be very time consuming. Luckily theres a lot of interesting articles on conspiracy theory online that I can use and type set into my book.
One of the methods I want to use in my book is braille. Looking into typesetting braille its clear that unlike regular type is has to be a certain pt size to be legible which is much larger than regular type. Regular type is highly legible at around 8/10 pt but braille needs to be more like 12pt, also it tends to span the full page as its easier to read across a full page with your hands unlike when reading visually. These factors will inform the way I set my braille type in my book. (I will use at least 12pt and have the type spanning full pages, just for this type my other formats will be set differently).

Also during my research into braille used in graphic design I found out that Playboy magazine produced a braille version for blind people who also wished to read it. The magazine included images created from braille also, this is interesting and something I wouldn't of thought of doing. I could possibly create some minimal baillie images as part of my book design to engage the reader further and hint at the content. Open stitch binding would also be helpful for using braille as if the pages don't open flat it would make reading by hand much harder.
To produce this method I will need to explore finding a printer (preferably in Leeds) that embosses stock.
I want my book to be split into 3 conspiracy theories, each one to be invisible in a different way. My next idea was inspired by this book 'Good ideas glow in the dark'. The book is supposed to portray the idea that good ideas light up the world. The glow in the dark ink is almost invisible on the white stock and only becomes really visible when dark. I like the fact my book will look almost completely white cover to cover until you work out how to read each part. This idea is informed by the secretive nature of the books content.
I asked digital print if they can print glow in the dark ink and unfortunately its not possible but i was advised to ask at Vernon street if they have glow in the dark screen printing ink to make this possible. I would
I was given other ideas in the group crit for ways I could make my book secret/unobviously legible but I liked the idea of my book being really white. I looked at this book design that uses acetate and came up with the idea of printing white ink on acetate as this (especially when the book is flat due to binding) would be hard to read. The way you would solve this would be by putting coloured paper underneath to read it, continuing the theme of having to work out how to read each section of the book.