Monday 2 March 2015

Book cover design - final crit (OUGD406)

Today was our final crit for the digitally printed book sleeve for studio brief 2. All the comments were good as people liked how the design was informed by the fact the content of the book is about writing which is why I chose to keep the design typographical even the pattern. I was told to change the way the type on the spine ran as its currently the French way round. Also I was told to be careful when screen printing the intricate lines, I will need to be sure not to put too much ink on the screen so it doesn't bleed out.

I made the changes advised in the crit, I also added the barcode and publishers logo. I then made wrap around parts on the edges of the main design with added information on the authors to reinforce the idea of the design honoring them as 'legendary' designers.

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