Monday, 1 February 2016

~ Brompton bicycle animation competition - production ~

Within the set brief Brompton included a short animated video showing the kind of style they wanted the submission to follow. That combined with the fact I can't personally get a hold of a physical bike lead to the decision to produce a stop motion animation. 

Informed by the logo that splits the bike up into 8 simple shapes I created the simple bikes outline from paper. I decided using lots of variations of paper was appropriately informed by the large range of colours they offer when buying a bike (this makes them stand out among the market). I also cut out a few buildings that are considered landmarks in Leeds as the brief wanted the video to show the bike within a city's context. 

Producing a video in this animated media is a brilliant advertisement of the creative population within Leeds that's prominent in contrast to other big cities in the UK.

I decided throughout the videos timeline I wanted to show both the iconic brightly coloured bikes and the brand new model they're introducing that is ALL BLACK. In order to do this I started the scene on black paper to represent a nighttime scene; then transitioned onto blue to represent daytime. This allowed me to use both a coloured bike and and all black one; showing off the full range they have to offer.

Above is the link to the final video; I had to make sure the final animation was short, snappy and effective as the final submission had to be via Instagram which has a 20 second long time limit. 

I am overall really happy with the final outcome; it's appropriately informed by the example video provided alongside the brief so I know its a style of animation that will appeal to them. This brief allowed me to experiment with new skills i've not explored before giving my portfolio yet another avenue. The coloured stock I chose expresses the brand and one of their main selling points being their huge range of colour options. The typefaces used within the video are all roughly based upon the brand identity of the company making it altogether recognisable and good advertisement for them. The videos purpose also had to express something about the city (in this case Leeds); because mine is not video format I think it expresses the talented and extensive creative sector in Leeds.

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