Recently Twitter was trending the hashtag #wedeservebetter - the hashtag is referring to the LGBT community deserving better representation in the film/tv industries. The uprising started after a popular TV couple Clarke and Lexa of The 100 came to an end as Lexa's character was killed.
The backlash is due to the lack of happy LGBT couples and storylines in TV; this being a prime example of the tragic end most of these charecters have. The death resulted in a large amount of support from celebrities, the actresses themselves and particularly the art community as loads of fan art began to emerge. I feel these current affairs are incredibly relevant to the idea of imagining a perfect world where everyone is represented equally and is the exact thing the song itself discusses.
I decided if I was to create a design for this song that incorporated the character of Lexa it would be an amazing opportunity; this type of campaigning artwork needs to be recognised and most definitely displayed within exhibitions for the world to take notice of the issue as a whole. I've also decided to hand illustrate the final design; I feel I have a personal closeness to the campaign and the design so hand drawing it will allow me to put my personal touch where digital design wouldn't create this.
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