Wednesday 4 February 2015

Research-secret 7 - OUGD406

As part of my research I decided to look at some of St. Vincents previous vinyl artwork. This first one I found really interesting as its just so strange and bizarre. This weird photography gives me the confidence that the brain idea would be appropriately strange for a design.

This is another of her covers I liked. I really enjoy the illusion style of this and think this could inspire a design of my own. Also bright colours seem to be a running theme id like to follow in my designs.      I looked at this article on the best record sleeve designs of 2014. I found this illusion looking design similar to the previous one I looked at. It was interesting that I could create images out of this pattern by having lines running opposite ways and could be something I can use.

This is another example from the article, I liked the warped image as this relates to the 'warped' and alternate world depicted in the video. It would be interesting to take some photos and try warp them like this. 

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