Tuesday 19 April 2016

~ Liscense to print money - research & ideas ~

I want my banknote to show pride of something within British culture this could take place in a multitude of ways. 

The stereotypical symbols of Britain include drinking tea, red buses, rain etc. These are things that are often falsely represented as a lot of British people don't engage with them and certainly don't associate them with pride. I want my design to tackle and challenge these false pre-tenses and instead represent real elements of our culture we can really be proud of.

Britain as a fairly cool place to live has a variety of plants that only grow here that we are proud of and associate often with a childhood and overall appreciation of nature. Money is such a 'human' commodity so to relate it to nature and take it back to the earth would be an interesting contrast.

One plant that stands out to me is the British ferns, they're intricately beautiful and would look effective and appealing upon a banknote. 

An important element to consider within this brief is the print techniques/methods used that will be most effective (both aesthetically and for security). 

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