Friday 27 November 2015

~Chicago Latino film festival design - development - responsive ~

After deciding due to previous winners a hand drawn based typography poster was appropriate I experimented with a few variations in style of lettering.

The initial sketches seemed unappealing and irrelevant to the festival itself as they were too 'script' typeface style which has the connotations of softness. But when looking at images of the city of Chicago itself and the way its been represented though type in the past you can see its all about strength and its huge sky rise buildings. Due to the nature of the city itself a more sans serif based type is more appropriate.

This is my hand drawn type solution, it combines both the illustrative side that represents festivals and the idea of the films being produced by individuals rather than mass organisation and direction companies; and the sans serif outline representative of the bold city the festival is being held in. 

For the other elements of type I wanted them to be a lot more subtle to enable the film festival type to stand out more to allow full appreciation of the intricate illustration. I created a hand drawn brush type then traced it in illustrator to allow for colour changes. The simple type reinforces the idea of 'hand made film'.

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