Monday 10 November 2014

Interim crit - Message and delivery - Studio brief 4 (OUGD403)

I presented all of the posters I created so far in this crit. People really liked the idea of being mildly offensive with the posters and partly making a mockery of the forceful tone of voice you see on the British heart foundation website. The 'Donate your fucking organs' design was said to be effective but is commenting more on the tactics designers and writers use to persuade people to donate and how pushy it can be. Also the design I did with the illusion style heart could portray the same message that companies and charities are hypnotising you to donate (which isnt a bad thing) but my posters could take this to the next level and outrightly do that. If I were to go with that idea for my posters I will now need to come up with a similar idea for the just image poster. 

After having our digital print inductions and seeing the paper cutting machine it has inspired me to really want to use it for a project. I looked at the poster/papercut work by Rob Ryan and I really love the cute theme it has. The idea of heart charities using images of cute kids to make you feel guilty if your not on the donor list is something you see all the time. It could be really great to try do something in this style with that idea behind it. But first I will have to go to the print room and see if theres any slots free before the hand in as there wont be any point taking this idea further if it cannot be produced in time.

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