Thursday 27 November 2014

Photoshop tutorial (OUGD405)

As an introduction to Photoshop we were asked to create a film poster using photography and manipulating it. I wanted to try the mini planet photomanipulation out to see how successful it would look for the rest of the brief. I thought the most appropriate film for this would be Inception as its all about miniature dreamscapes. 

I found a perfect 360 panorama of a big city similar to the type you see a lot in the film. I followed an online tutorial and created this effect. Afterwards the image was square and the clouds were blurred so I used a second image and a layer mask to create a neater cloud effect around the edge and giving me some space for text.

Next I wanted it too look more moody and dark so I adjusted the brightness and contrast which looks much more appropriate. I also made it portait as most film posters are traditionally this format so it looks more professional.

This is my final poster design, I used Gotham book font as its the one used on the actual film posters and thought it was nice and bold. Also similar to their posters I increased the tracking as it looks much more bold and in your face. I added a drop shadow as I found it hard to find a colour for the font without it looking to high contrast or blending in. Overall I am happy with this and using Photoshop in this way taught me a load of new techniques. I definitely think I will experiment with this technique further for this brief.

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