Tuesday 11 November 2014

Poster development (OUGD403)

One of my ideas was to create a paper cut of a young boy, I decided to use a missing puzzle piece to show that he needs a donated heart as its quite childlike symbolism. Then like Rob Ryan's work surround him with trees but with puzzle pieces hanging from them, I wanted the trees to look quite menacing and evil to make you feel sorry for the boy. The idea being it shows the guilt you are made to feel for him if you do not donate.

This is what the design will look like and hopefully it will be possible to get something cut by machine with this much detail.

In order for the right parts to be cut out for my final poster I had to invert the design. When it comes to cutting it if I have the time I might experiment with different colours of paper. The final image could be mounted onto a background colour or even to be hung in a window which could look really interesting.

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