Thursday 6 November 2014

Poster designs so far (OUGD403) Message and delivery

After doing some initial research into other poster designs promoting organ donation and doing some initial sketches I decided to play around on Illustrator and see what I could come up with.

This idea is not complete yet as I think its really minimal and doesn't really get the full message across but I will ask some people their opinions on how to improve it. But its based on the idea of second life, the heart dying then being revived.

This is based on texting symbols of the <3 representing a heart but I once again don't think it gives the message about organ donation clear enough and would need adjusting if it was going to be a final image.

This next on was an idea for my all type poster. I thought I could add a few facts and lay them out in an interesting way and it could look pretty nice, Im unsure about this one as it might be a bit too hard to read as people say you need to grab peoples attention with a poster within 3 seconds of them seeing it.

The layout of the poster above was inspired by this one which is a design i've always really liked. But im not sure how well it works for this project.

This one was an idea to create a hypnotic op art look to the poster as personally I find anything that messes with my eyes a little irresistable. I used Futura as its a really geometric font that stands out so well and can be read easily even when it's laid out in a strange way. I really like this idea and its definitely a contender for the final 3.

This next design was taking a comedic and quite forceful approach which I thought people would laugh off and it would definitely grab peoples attention and cause a bit of controversy. I used Futura condensed as I wanted it to look bold but I thought it looked a bit plain and the colour was random so I could change it to green to make it more relevant.

This is my edited version of the idea, I used a bright bold green which is much more effective and changed the tracking and sizing of the type so it filled the page, I still could improve of this by editing the kerning to each letter had more equal spacing. I also made the please lowercase and a light grey so its subtly polite.

Next I really like the idea of using scientific illustrations as the vintage look is something people find really appealing these days. I searched the web for some royalty free images for the basis of my poster then laid over the phrase live twice. I love this phrase as I think its a really positive way of looking at organ donation and would encourage a lot of people. 

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