Tuesday 11 November 2014

Negative space (OUGD404) Design principles

Today we were introduced to negative space in graphic design, most commonly seen in logo design. 

One of the most well known examples is the FedEx logo where you can see and arrow shape created by the negative space between the E and x. 

We were told to choose a word and have a go at creating our own negative space ideas. I chose the word space (I think i'd just heard it so many times) and wanted it to be related to outer space, rockets and aliens. 

This was one of my ideas, I drew a rocket with a negative letter S inside. I wanted to focus on just changing one or two letters within the word to keep it simple and subtle.

This was my next idea, I basically did some illustrations round the letter s but I think this is too overcomplicated so I started thinking of some more simplified ideas.

The next idea was to make the A look like a rocket but in this sketch I got the kerning a bit wrong so I wanted to do a second sketch.

This is my second sketch of the same idea of the A rocket, I rotated the letters around it asif they had been blasted apart but I still wasn't sure it was simple enough.

I tried simplifying the idea so the rocket shape just filled the letters counter but in this sketch its not very obvious what it is.

These last sketches are just changing one letter in really simple ways buy adding ufos, rockets and aliens. My favourite of these it the letter E which I have decided to experiment with digitally.

This is my idea took further digitally and I think its really effective, I like that its still eaisily legible because its such a subtle change.

And lastly I inverted the colours and added a slight gradient and also some light bubbles to add a space feeling to it giving it more context.

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