Friday, 6 May 2016

~ Product range distribution - crit ~

Feedback 1 - Good idea to make this topic more relatable to teens, the hats are cool but develop them further, make a collection of clothing? The website could be more engaging and introduce other forms of media.

Feedback 2 - Good idea. Appreciate being online to the target audience. Hats are a good idea. Further development - take to different materials/products. 

Feedback 3 - Research the experiance of people who haven't experienced difficulties with their own gender identity? Think about how they can be helped to support people with these difficulties? Find a platform through fluid for people to communicate & explain their identity to their friends/family?

Do you think the aesthetic is successful and meets the target audience?

- Yes! It's straight to the point. Easy to see what you mean. The names in the hats appeal to a young audience which is successfull. 

- Yes, the colours are cool, bright and appropriate for the target market. The names are straight to the point and the concept is clear. 

- Yes, its neutral without being boring or offputting. Allows focus on the hats meaning the message is clear. 

- Great concept - very relevant and contemporary.

Is there any additional elements you think should be on the website?

- Perhaps a social area - like messenger, photographs? Not needed just ideas, set up nicely.

- The use of forums is good for teens allowing them to discuss with others. However the design is very minimal. I think it needs to be more attention grabbing. Maybe use models? gifs? videos and colour. 

- I personally would benefit from an advice section on what pronouns you should use, how to be sensitive etc. I worry that I would offend people without trying to :(

- Perhaps the ability to customise other clothing and accessories? Social media integration

What additional collateral and promotional material should I consider?

- Socks, bags, necklaces, watch, sunglasses

- Agree with similar products. A tshirt range would be good too! & tote bags

- Maybe pins or badges something small so if people arent confident dont want to come out yet they can wear it subtly as like a transition period. 

Other comments?

- The stereotypical pink for girl, blue for boy could raise gender boxes? 

- Look at existing gender neutral clothing?

Taking in feedback

1- I will use the feedback that I could take the concept of the illustrated hats further into producing actual hats, t-shirts etc for promotion.

2- Also produce badges or stickers are a more subtle way for people to 'come out' and become comfortable with their gender. 

3- Look at making an advice area on the website for people on using pronouns and making sure they don't cause offense to people accidentally. 

Overall the feedback was very positive and people liked the concept - I get the idea that it's a topic most people are not familiar with which shows that the demand for this kind of website is definitely out there.

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