Saturday 7 May 2016

~ Publication design research - product range distribution ~

For this brief I possibly want to design an interactive publication type design to encourage teens to think about gender in a different way. I did some research into examples of publication design that captured my eye and I felt went further than aesthetic and content to make people engage. 

Pop up books are targeted at an audience a little younger than mine but are undoubtedly a brilliant example of how publications can be interesting and different in making people interact and think 'outside the box'.

Acetate and stock transparency can also be used to create interactive effect between spreads.

Example of the use of inserts, tabs, di-cutting within publications. 

Stickers are a perfect solution to my problem and a brilliant way to make someone interact with a design. Stickers tie in perfectly with the idea of people labelling others and this could be adapted in a way in which you use stickers within a publication; in which the audience could label people? Stickers are interactive and not too childish for the target audience; they can also be taken further than just the publication and be used as a stand along element of the design.

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