Sunday 12 October 2014

Drawing ideas (OUGD403)

I decided to further some of my ideas by experimenting with drawing some letterforms. I printed out a sheet of Helvetica letters and traced them, then modified them according to my different ideas.

This is an overview of my sketches so far.

This drawing is based on my idea about African and tribal style. I added a stroke through the middle of the letter to create the feel of the culture. I kept my guidelines rather then rubbing them out to show how I constructed the modifications. I carefully measured it out so it was equal at both sides.

This is another experiment based on the tribal idea. I got this idea from the African logo I looked at in my research. I took the dimensions of some Helvetica full stops for the 3 dots underneath but I could experiment with different sizes, spacing and possibly circle dots.

This is an adaptation of Helvetica with serifs added and the contrast between weight size has been increased. I based the style of the serifs on Bodoni as I would class this as a very stylish font.

This is another one based on Bodoni but without serifs, its a less drastic adaptation that still fits well with my theme and the word stylish. I have tilted the top of the h and made the body slightly thinner.

This is one of my OP art inspired letters, I chose OP art as its something I personally think is stylish and appealing. I used a compass to create my guidelines then fine lined in the letter.

This design is based on the idea 'stylish' fonts are often quite swirly and full of flourishes. So using the A as a base I tried adding some parts to it.

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