Wednesday 1 October 2014

Study task one-Personality quiz (OUGD403)

Our task is to choose a typeface out of the following:

Century Expanded
Times Roman
& Helvetica

The font we choose must reflect our personality and the things we consider to define us as much as possible. To help me decide on which one is the most appropriate we did a small quiz to reveal some things that may help.

Q. When are you happiest?
A. I am happiest when I am busy and in good company. This is usually also when I have money to do things like going shopping, out for food or drinks.

Q. Whats your greatest fear?
A. Slugs by far are my greatest fear! They make me feel physically sick and are pointless creatures in my eyes.

Q. What is your happiest memory?
A. Seeing Haim play a live concert in Manchester is my best memory is was an amazing night and I even managed to scoop tickets to their DJ set later than night where I was touching distance away from them.

Q. What was your most embarrassing moment?
A. Im very easily embarrassed so I tend to avoid situations that make this worse. Having to speak in front of people I don't know especially in a formal capacity is always embarrassing for me and I always go bright red.

Q. What makes you unhappy?
A. Being bored and having nothing to do makes me incredibly unhappy. I love to constantly keep myself busy, if I have to stay in bed all day ill I drive myself crazy.

Q. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A. I really wanted to be a vet as I have always loved animals. I then later discovered I hate blood, to the point where I am prone to passing out when seeing it. I once passed out because I got the tiniest little cut on the bottom of my foot (it was pathetic). 

Q. What is your guiltiest pleasure?
A. This really is awful and I hate myself for it. But is has to be Justin Bieber's acoustic album. I really hate the arrogant little **** but that album is god damn good.

Q. What is your favourite hobby?
A. My favourite hobby other than art and design related things is cooking. I love to play come dine with me with my friends but the difference being rather than us taking turns to cook its always me going to each of their houses and cooking for them. 

Q. Where is your favourite place?
A. My favourite place is Italy. I don't even have a favourite city there just the whole place, its so beautiful, the food is amazing and all the locals are constantly in a foul mood. Its just brilliant.

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