Sunday 19 October 2014

My theme (African style) (OUGD403) Vector type

After the crit my decided theme/idea is to represent the 'stylish'ness of African culture. 

The image that comes into my head when thinking about this is patterns like the one above. They often use a lot of simple geometrical shapes to make quite complex patterns. And thats where my idea to add geometrical shapes onto my letters has come from. For example the line of dots inspires me to experiment with adding dots underneath some letters? It could be really interesting and definitely shows the theme well. Also adding extra cross bars and simple additions to letters will hopefully help me achieve the look I want.

I found this example of an African themed typeface which has clearly found a lot of inspiration from pattern. They have also added and in some cases subtracted parts of the letters to create this feeling. I can take inspiration from this but I want my typeface to be a lot more simple but give the same feel and effect.

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