Monday 27 October 2014

Presenting my research (OUGD403) Message and delivary

As part of this brief we need to present all our research in a way that portrays the same context as the articles topic. I instantly went to Google and typed in dead heart looking for some kind of inspiration. 

This is one of the images that came up, they are little badges designed to look like dead hearts but personally I think they look like origami hearts. This made me think I could try putting my research onto an origami heart possibly? This would really test my layout skills as the dimensions of things and the format would be quite strange but id like the challenge.

I started by making an origami heart from paper and marking off all the folding lines. I then measured all the lines in order to make a digital version as you can see above. I played around with showing where some of the text and image could go, you could also place text and information on the other side and it would be much more free. 

I then printed the digital version to make sure all the dimensions were right and to see how the placement of the test text worked.

When opening it up it seemed the way id placed the text wasn't the best. If I did it as a diamond shape with text going from top to bottom this would be much more effective, I will also need to consider the way the photo will sit or if I should get rid of the photo idea and maybe create an infographic that works upside-down.

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