Thursday 23 October 2014

Illustrator workshop (OUGD403)

We had our second illustrator workshop, it was really helpful in showing me a few new things I didn't know before and some handy shortcuts, this lead to me creating the start of my typeface. 

This is my letter A and the one that I want to base the rest of the letterforms on. I decided to start with a regular alphabet and maybe going on to create a light version later.

This is two variations of the letter B. I have chosen to use the left one as its not overly complicated and fits with the A better. The other B is too sharp and just doesn't go as well.

These are my letter C's I really have no idea which one I will choose and this is something I want to ask other people at the next crit. 

This is my letter D. I didn't make any variations as I was low on ideas for this letter and after making this one I really liked it and didn't really think it needed changing. 

These are my E's. I think I prefer the left one as its more simple and legible. But its another thing I will bring up in the next crit and get some more opinions. 

These letter F's were really easy to design as I just slightly changed the letter E's.

Out of these two I think I prefer the left as it looks more balanced and complete.

This is my letter H, I didnt make another version as I think this one mirrors the letter A perfectly and would work really well.

I did 3 variations of the letter I. I dont like the middle one at all as the gaps just look strange and wouldn't be very legible at all. I think the left is my favourite but its another one I will bring up at the crit.

So those are my letters so far. I have chosen the ones I like the most at the moment but that might change after the crit. I also made a simple grid to place them in for now just so I can see how the letters look next to each other.

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