Saturday 25 October 2014

Saturdays news-Message and delivery-research (OUGD403)

We were asked to pick up a few different newspapers for Saturday the 25th of October. I bought The Independent, The Daily Mail and The Sun. I then looked through each one to find a story I wanted to focus on. My aim was to find a story that wasn't too depressing and also had an element of class to it and was more factual rather than just observational gossip. Weirdly the most interesting stories were in the daily mail and I had expected the Independent to be the best.

The story on the front of The Sun was about a woman with a phobia of Simon Cowell, I found it hilarious how they thought this was front page news, it says a lot about the target audience of the paper and I definitely won't be choosing this story. 

The first story I thought is interesting was about Renee Zellweger's 'new look' and plastic surgery. Although its quite a gossipy subject I thought the influences of depression and the pressure on women to look 'perfect' make it a deeper story than it appears at face value. I have also seen so much hype about it on Twitter recently so I know its really started a big discussion in the world. 

The next story was written about in both the daily mail and the sun. It was about a British girl getting liposuction in Thailand and dying shortly after. I thought it was a good topic as it says a lot about the issue but it could be too depressing and boring.

This was another story featured in the sun and the daily mail today. Its about the Queen getting twitter and receiving a load of abusive tweets aimed at her. I then thought how little I am interested in the royal family so its not the story im going to take forward.

The next was a story on a doctor in NY getting ebola. I thought this could be good as ebola is such a widespread panic subject at the moment and would be really easy to research.

I chose this article about Suarez biting people because its a funny story and I take an interest in football and hate the guy personally.

I think this article though from the daily mail is my favourite. Its about a medical breakthrough as scientists have managed to revive dead hearts for transplant. I think its the least depressing topic and I could get quite in depth with it possibly. So I will do some more research and see how much the topic has been covered.

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