Tuesday 14 October 2014

Studio Brief 2 - Vector Type (OUGD403) Briefing

The idea of this brief is to take one of our ten ideas from the Alphabet soup brief and create a functioning vector typeface from it.

The first thing we needed to know was the difference between bitmap images and vectors.
A bitmap image is made out of pixels and when enlarged becomes less clear and pixelated. A vector image is more like a mathematical equation, you can enlarge it as much as you want and it will just recalculate its self to be bigger whilst maintaining its clear crisp edges and quality. 

The regulations of this brief are...

  • The final image has to be black (no colour).
  • You can trace, edit, layer, combine, outline, silhouette, positive/negative and contrast. All these things can be experimented with on Illustrator.
  • Make mistakes and learn from them because you will make them.
  • It still needs to communicate the chosen word (stylish)

And the deliverables of the brief are...

  • A2 poster (4x7 grid) printed in the professional print room.
  • Create a bespoke grid as a base for the typeface.
  • Research and experiment
They are the minimum requirements but if we have time we can do both upper and lowercase letters, punctuation and diacritics. 

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