Monday 13 October 2014

Karen Singh (OUGD403)

I was browsing through the website and I came across some work by a designer call Karen Singh. 

In my brief I had been exploring the idea of an OP art based typeface. I looked at some of his work and thought it could be really inspirational for this particular idea.

This is the initial image that caught my attention. The harsh black pattern on top of the garish colours really capture your attention and confuse your eyes. For this brief the final images have to be in black but when presented in a leaflet about the typeface I could consider using a similar colour scheme of quite awful but in your face colours. You see high contrasting colours used a lot in OP art so it would fit quite well I think.

I followed up on this by looking at his Behance page and discovered he had also experimented with type and this was his output. He has gone for a very 3D approach and continued to use very bright contrasting colours. I can use this specifically as great inspiration for my typeface if I decide to choose the OP art route.

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