Tuesday 14 October 2014

Lonely hearts (OUGD404) Task one

Today we were asked to bring in the letters ABCXYZabcxyz of 3 different typefaces.
We then swapped with someone and they wrote words that they thought represented each typeface to warm us up on thinking about their personalities. We then had to choose our favourite looking letter out of them all.

The three fonts I chose were Playball, Futura and Avenir next condensed. And out of my selection I chose the capital A from Futura as my favourite. We were then asked to create a lonely heart column for our letter.

This is my lonely heart column, I tried to keep it light by adding in some typographical puns. "18pts plus only please!". 
We were now asked to put them all up on the wall and choose a soulmate. 

I chose a sans serif letter O as in my add thats what I had put I wanted and I liked the part about being proud of its curves. Although my letter didn't fit a lot of the other letters wants the A has a counter so it was good enough.

We then had to illustrate what the children of the two typefaces might look like. We named our new font Futor and it was made up of a male a that was elongated and less geometrical and an female o that was squished into being more geometric. 

Overall I found this exercise really fun and it helped with choosing the right words to describe type and looking at the differences between letters within typefaces.

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