Thursday 30 October 2014

Presenting my research (OUGD403)

We were told to present our research in a way that was relevant to the brief. So I decided to present mine inside an origami heart.

I used the grid i'd created based on the mock up heart I made and then added the information. Because I didn't want it to be too big I kept the information at a minimum and made sure I put in the most important stuff as for the presentation I will use my blog to back up this. Above shows the initial layout and I started in red to show the colour of a typical heart symbol.

I did a mock print and the first problem I came across was that I had spelled world wrong and the title text needed more space in between.

Also when you opened up the heart all the writing was upside down so I had to flip all of that upside down and edit the title.

This image shows how it looked with the writing the right way up this time which is much better as I wanted it to be ready to read as soon as it was opened. I also fixed the title.

I then printed it in colour but as I folded it the ink created cracks where it was just falling off. I knew this was the wrong form of printing for this but I didn't have access to any other type so I needed to change something else instead.

Instead I turned it black so it was using the black and white printer instead, this looked really effective as the lack of colour made it look factual and less of a joke and the ink stayed on when it was folded. I added a colour heart image as a sticker holding the front together to add a splash of color so it looks more appealing to want to open and it gives it more context.

And finally this is what it looks like inside, I really like the white on black text as it really stands out and grabs you and also I personally struggle to read black on white and this negative version is much easier. All thats left is to present it in my crit and see what other people think of it.

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