Friday 17 October 2014

Final crit for Alphabet soup (OUGD403)

For my final crit I decided I wanted to make a leaflet showing each of my ideas then with Helvetica laid over the top printed on layout paper so you could clearly see the variations I had made.

I started out by making each of my ideas digital for one or two letters. I then made a regular version of each letter in Helvetica red. I then printed the red letters on layout paper and my letters on regular printing copy paper.

 In the photo above you can see that its pretty difficult to see the letter below so this wasn't as successful as I had hoped. But I didn't have enough time before the crit to reprint. If I was to do it again id use a much thinner stock of paper. So because of this problem instead of making them into a leaflet I stapled the separate letters together which was more successful.

This photo shows that when in direct light the images are more effective and this was the result I would like but without the need for light.

I presented my letters during the group crit and the overall feedback was that the African style letters were the most effective. People liked that I had considered other cultures idea of style and also the overall look of them. So that is the idea I am going to continue with for the digital type brief.

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