Wednesday 1 October 2014

OUGD403, Summer project feedback

We had a summer project to create an alphabet that represents us (the things we like, dislike etc.)

I decided to approach the brief in a way that I thought I could express my individual style. I wanted to create 26 drop-caps rather than a typeface. I also wanted to hand draw them all to show my skills int hat area and precision. I used different sized fineliners and kept them all black and white to keep a theme throughout the whole set.

We then had to present our work to a small group of people in the class. I got good feedback from everyone that saw my letters. A few people said they liked how neat they were which is something I was worried about as I had made a few mistakes but it didn't seem to matter. One question I was asked was which of the letterforms is my favourite.

One of my favourites has to be the letter 'P'. I am really into OP art and graphic design that messes with your eyes. This was an attempt at adapting this into a letterform. I used really simple geometric forms to base my letter upon and it would be interesting to see a whole typeface based on this letter.

Another of my favourites is my letter 'X'. I started with the outline in pencil then created a circular grid in order to make the dot-work pattern in the middle. The pattern is based on mandala patterns which is something im really interested in. Mandalas are circular designs filled with patterns originally created by Buddhists as a symbolic offering. They often create large ones out of natural materials and spend days perfecting them, then let them be blown away by the wind or washed away by the tide. The process is to create peace and creativity rather than creating a lasting piece of artwork. I find the whole idea captivating. I also really love the new craze around dot-work design, its usually seen in tattoo designs but I think its something that could be transferred into graphic design. Overall I think this letter really shows my interests and passions. As well as looking pretty good too.

Overall I am pretty happy with how the project went, I think it shows a lot of my skills and my imagination.
If I could change one thing I would of managed my time better because I rushed a bit towards the end so some are a lot better than others.

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