Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Further book production (OUGD404)

So due to my screen printed glow in the dark designs not working out I had planned to vinyl cut out my spreads in gloss white. Unfortunately the type size at 10pt was way to small for this to be possible.

A solution to this could've been to screen print clear or white ink onto white paper, but there would be no guarantee it would be visible enough and due to my growing frustration with screen prints not working I decided not to try that idea. Instead it was suggested to me that I lazer print black onto black paper. This worked amazingly and was so easy to produce.

As you can see when laid flat the type still looks completely invisible as I initially wanted it to.

But when on an angle the text is legible. 

This means my book is no longer all white but i'm still happy with it as it now means each section is printed on different stock (white paper, black paper and acetate). So when the book is bound, due to it being open spine you will easily be able to see the different sections and this will look really appealing and attractive.

Another thing suggested to me as a way of making invisible printing is to print in Lemon juice. As shown above this method appears invisible until heated up when the type appears as brown. This is a really interesting idea and although it wouldn't be as good for my book as its not reversible it could be good to make some promotional material for the book using this method (if I have time).

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