Monday 27 April 2015

Reflective practice - brief writing

For this brief we had to taylor and change the deliverables and requirements written into our own brief that we had to create a design treatment for. This is the brief I have written.

As a fresher its a shock having a large workload and being unsure about how to get a good grade and produce effective designs. At first most tend to play it safe and design for aesthetic and purely looks. The aim of this brief is to inform the freshers about the  importance of informed design decisions. Also to try and inspire them to step out of their comfort zones and show how taking a negative to turn into a positive can be really effective. Use the skills learnt throughout the first year (example typesetting) to show the importance of learning things like this thoroughly themselves. Try and think out of the box, demonstrate unusual use of media to show that jumping straight onto a mac/digital designs isn't always the best option.

To produce a piece of graphic design that tells the freshers to ask themselves questions that encourage more informed and adventurous graphic design.

Target audience
Next years 1st year graphic design students

Blog posts, design boards, final design treatment

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