Monday 20 April 2015

Studio Brief 03 - Collaborative Practice - Leeds Library Exhibition Branding OUGD406

This brief is to brand our 1st and 2nd year graphic design book cover exhibition in Leeds library. The focus of the exhibition is book covers on design and general theory.  We must consider our target audience and the overall message we want to portray with this branding. 

Considerations you should be aware of and include are:
- Location
- Times
- Content
- Exhibitors
- Social media, links, hashtags etc
- Contact Details
- Format
- Signage, way-marking
- Opening night Invites

Costings: be aware of reproduction costs to ensure you don't propose something unfeasible
Production: collateral must be reproducible using the college resources.
The deliverables of the brief must include a 15 minute presentation and mock ups of the final designs.

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