Friday 9 October 2015

~ Crit - Logo Starter - OUGD504 ~

I presented these 4 images in the crit. I asked if people thought the shadows on image 2 added anything. The feedback I got was that it's more effective without these as it's becoming more of an image and harder to recreate/apply to all media so the flat image is more appropriate for a logo.

My next question was about the typeface. I was told my logo is strong enough as an iconic logo and doesn't need the type to be effective. But in situations such as business cards when the type will be used I should try capital letters to make the brand less 'accessible' because veganism is more of an exclusive lifestyle choice so the name should be bold and strong on its own just as the iconic logo is strong alone. 

My final question was do you think the packaging experiment is effective? I also explained how i'd colour swatched from the image of the vegan recipe the client presented on his Kickstarter page. The feedback was that its good the colours represent the fact the recipes are exotic and flavoursome in comparison to competing products.

In conclusion I will remove the type from my logo and have it as a stand alone iconic then experiment with the company name appearing in uppercase on packaging and collateral. I will also look to further develop the packaging design for one of my deliverables. I also need to consider what to produce for my second deliverable. Because of the relevance vegan culture has to environmental consideration I need to keep in mind producing deliverables that use sustainable and recyclable materials.

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