Friday 9 October 2015

~ Packaging design - logostarter - OUGD504 ~

I wanted to create vibrant and bold packaging for this brief so for some aesthetic inspiration I briefly researched the work of the following designers/artists. 

Rob Lowe

Camille Walala

Keith Haring

& Kate Moross

All of these artists have a bright and bold aesthetic using contrasting colours and simple shapes to instantly grab your attention. I think they're perfect inspiration for further developing my brand.

Based upon my research I created some experimental patterns that could be included as part of the packaging design. I chose simple geometric shapes and bright colours to grab people's attention instantly before they're even aware of what the product is.

My colour choices for the initial experiments were quite uninformed so I decided to refer back to the original photo the client used to show one of the meals.

Using this image I colour dropped each colour from the food into my pattern design, this is much more informed that the original design and looks a lot more earthy and relevant to the product.

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