Prepare for receiving your brief. Being stress free before getting your brief is just as important as the execution. Grab a coffee and read through your brief. Read again, make notes, highlight and identify problems.
Before research tidy your environment, a tidy space is a tidy mind. Use the internet, books, films to consider each design decision you will need to make. Each should be informed by your research and refer back to the brief. Inspiration can be found anywhere! Research can be boring and its easy to get a mental block, take a walk you never know what you'll see.
Initial ideas
Getting your ideas down is all about personal preference but its all about getting it down on paper and making them visual. Lists, mind maps and sketches are helpful in creating a more clear image in your mind and developing your design ideas further. Discussion with peers and creatives around you about your ideas is a perfect opportunity for feedback and further development of ideas before working towards a final outcome. Remember to ask why? when considering each element to make sure everything is informed and relevant.
Development is the creation and execution of the final design weather that be digital, physical or a combination of the two. Its a chance to finalise your ideas taking in consideration
the peer feedback you previously got. This
is the point you need to consider materials, production and scale. Create prototypes, identify and solve any design issues before final production. Talk to your client about budget and if they want any further changes
to be made.
Print and produce your final product, problems could still arise at this point but hopefully creating prototypes has prevented this from happening. You need to present your design to the client selling it on the informed decisions you have made making it relevant to the brief set. Then celebrate finishing the brief and enjoy your money! (before it all starts again).
I created my content using the 7 sections our group came up with in the first study task. I also added a few parts that encourage people to not be stressed as I think its a huge part of the design process that needs to be addressed.
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