Friday, 22 January 2016

~ Design practice 2 - Studio Brief 01 - Product, Range and Distribution ~

The initial starting point for this brief is to choose a subject that social, political or ethical change that can be effected through design. The outcome of the brief being a campaign for 'change', to encourage speech about the chosen subject and to change opinions. Possible subject areas include ...

Political - creative industries can help with the campaign promotion of certain political candidates (example Barack Obama campaign by Shepherd Fairey). On the other hand the creative industries can also campaign against politcal movements, create sattire, posters in protest and general material spreading awareness. 

Environmental - the most well known advocates of which being WWF, Greenpeace and PETA. Creative campaigns to help the environment are incredibly important in the worlds current state of global warming; much consideration into production is needed as all material must be environmentally friendly to avoid being hypocritical.

Health - the most obvious health campaigns are about physical health, they attempt at showing the extremes of damage that your body can be open to. Personally in this category it would be mental health that would more appeal to me, its something that visually is harder to communicate so its covered less by the creative industries; yet it is just as important and damaging. 

Human rights - this is something mostly covered by Amnesty International. Human rights effect a multitude of categories dependant on location and circumstances. Most material outreaches to people in other countries to spread awareness and gain donations of money to help the campaigns. Other campaigns aim to change laws and guideline standards when it comes to equality and seek signatures and general media coverage. 

The campaign topic i've decided to focus on is transgender equality, acceptance and awareness. It's something quite new to general (popular) media and isn't saturated in coverage/campaigns. It's an issue effecting many peoples lives as 41% of transgender people currently attempt suicide throughout their lives resulting in many fatalities (9 times higher than the general population). These figures are the result of lack of awareness causing bullying, un-employment and generally feeling out of place. 

I feel the most effective target for this campaign is within todays youth. I want to target specifically schools and parents; to spread awareness and teach children from a young age that gender is not as simple as male and female & their should be no divide between the way children are taught and raised dependent on birth gender. 

The teaching that gender is not a divided thing with two categories but instead a spectrum that you fall upon and can change positions on throughout your life is much more beneficial and inclusive to all.

I watched this TED talk for some initial insight into transgender people from the point of veiw of a fully transitioned woman (Geena Rocero) I looked into this campaign called Self Evident Truths as an example of how creatives choose to voice and express their opinion on the LGBT movement. The campaign aims to show and expose LGBT people and display them to the world in order to show diversity and normality. 

What I want to achieve

~ My project/campaign will aim to raise awareness of gender fluidity and transgender youth. 

~ The target audience will be parents, children/teenagers and schools as the earlier people are taught about these things and have an understanding the more effective it will be.

~ Aim to help parents of children who are effected by the issues; teach them the best ways to guide their children and help them communicate their feelings.

~ Aims to stop mi-understandings within the school environment; promote discussion within sexual health/science lessons and social teaching lessons.

~ The overall aim is to make it so future generations of children are aware gender is not 2 sided but a spectrum and not to discriminate against anyones preferances and feelings about their own gender.

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