Sunday 3 January 2016

~ Type in context - production in mass - OUGD504 ~

My prototype displays roughly how my final product will look but considerations into how each production method would be created in industry need to be thought out. 

Techniques used include:
~ Inkjet printing (alternatively litho-printing)
~ UV spot (gloss)
~ Perfect binding

Lithoprinting in large runs is cheaper than inkjet printing. This method also allows for the additional ink value of the UV spot gloss to be applied to the publication in one print run; so ideally if the book was produced commercially this would be the method used. 

Perfect binding is one of the most common techniques used in commercial publication production so is widely available. 

As part of my research into mass production of my design I looked into how it could be mass produced locally. 

Pressision Leeds can provide all of the print, finishes and binding that my publication requires. They also specialise in the production of art, photography and creative material making them an ideal example of the kind of company used to produce my book. 

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