Thursday, 7 January 2016

~ Design production - studio brief 1 - design boards & evaluation ~

Brief final evaluation:

This brief was a brilliant way for me to explore the importance of increasing my knowledge of both a professional level design process and design production in terms of industry standards. The initial exploration of my personal design process in comparison to that of designers that inspire me allowed me to embrace the elements that helped me create informed designs and work on the parts that slowed me down; such as too much procrastination.

This brief was the first time i'd explored in detail the way my designs could be produced commercially rather than just personally on a small scale. Considerations into folding, cutting, printing and stock were key parts. It ended in the conclusion that my leaflet design due to its complicated folding would be incredible difficult to produce on a large scale and certainly very expensive; this will effect decisions of mine in the future when handling similarly tricky techniques. This opened me up to both the possibilities mass production brings and also the considerations and set backs it could cause.

Consideration of printing methods is something new to me before this brief. The final outcome only includes two colours; research and talking to visiting professionals let me know that two tone printing can be produced much cheaper using litho-printing than inkjet. These considerations are the type of thing that when presented to a client could massively effect their budgets opening design projects up to a range of finishing techniques they may not of otherwise been able to afford (the type of thing that could win briefs).

Layout and folding are two things I have previously explored in my work but in ways that don't push the boundaries as much as i'd liked. For this experimentation lead me to an outcome that instantly stands out among your standard format leaflets. Its the kind of thing the audience is likely to keep as a memento rather than throw away like most. Memorable design is key especially seen as the leaflet could essentially be a tool for getting clients or for business promotion.

I think the leaflet I produced in the end although it may never become the design for a mass produced piece it will still be beneficial to me. Considering how it could still be used as a professional piece, personally made to promote my imagination as a designer. I plan to take the basic elements of the design to the next level, hopefully by including a personal manifesto and contact information as a leaflet that expresses my design process, design production that I can send to potential clients and employers.

If I were to expand upon this brief to improve the final outcome i'd experiment with print finishes, the exploration into UV spot printing which is possible using a litho printer in particular. The application of specialist inks for instance would take the already memorable format of the piece to a whole new level, creating something anyone interested in the creative industries would be bound to keep.

An added element of this brief that wasn't required was the decision to video the final outcome. In terms of design production I wanted to consider both the printed media and the ways the work could be further promoted to my benefit. I think getting used to photographing and videoing pieces, produced to an industry standard could help get a personal web presence due to social media and blogs. This became another production element not before considered that will now effect my personal design process in future briefs.

Overall the initial insight into design production was very helpful to me; it made me think much further than what could be produced using university tools. Because in reality as a graphic designer I will need to consider each production element to inform the way my design is laid out.

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