Monday 25 January 2016

~ Secret 7 - The Jam ~

The Jam are a legendary punk rock/mod band most known in the 70/80's. This song 'art school' was never released as a single so this secret 7 will be a first for the song. 

This example of their previous artwork features the iconic symbol of mod style (the dartboard circle), this element of design is iconic to the movement and is something I will consider working into my design.

Iconic elements of the mod subculture include-
- red, white and blue (patricarcial colours)
- tailored suits
- vespas & lambrettas
- drugs (amphetamines) 
- known for conflict with rockers

During visual research I came across this image, its inspiring as I feel its relevant to the songs title. It uses the iconic mod symbol but has drops of colour bleeding out from it.

I think 'art school' as a whole represents the idea of non-conformity to society and popular belief systems; something it has in common with sub-cultures and their rebellion. My inital concept is to create a design based around this idea of none conformity and 'breaking the circle'. I want my design to display both the visual culture of the mod subculture with my personal contemporary twist.

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